
A Penacony Fashion Zine


Reverie is an unofficial project centered around characters from Honkai Star Rail's Penacony storyline presented in a fashion magazine/tabloid-style zine! This project will feature a physical zine and merchandise by various creators.This project is unaffiliated with Hoyoverse.


What is a zine?
A zine is a small magazine-like self-published project centered around a specific topic or theme. They can be distributed digitally or in physical magazine- or book-like formats. Fanzines often have merchandise accompanying them, such as charms, stickers, prints, and more.
Is there an age requirement to apply?
You must be 18 or older at time of application.
Do I need experience with zines to apply?
No experience with zines necessary!
Will this zine be digital or physical?
We will have a physical zine and merchandise, as well as a digital version of the zine.
Can I apply for more than one position?
Yes, but as of now you will only be accepted for one position, with the exception of main zine page art and pin-up/burlesque page art. If you indicate interest in creating for both the main zine and the pin-up/burlesque zine, you may be accepted to create for both zines.
How many contributors will you be accepting for each role?
Numbers are TBD pending interest check and final merch line-up, but tentative ranges are: 25-30 main zine artists, 6 spot ('ad') artists, 6-8 writers, and 6-10 merch artists. We aim for 15-20 pin-up/burlesque zine slots, counting those creating for both the main zine and pin-up/burlesque zine.
Will this zine be SFW or NSFW?
The main zine and merchandise will be SFW. We will also produce a digital pin-up/burlesque art-only side zine, which will be available as an add-on or purchaseable alone. The pin-up/burlesque zine will not be NSFW and will be suggestive at most. We may offer the pin-up/burlesque zine as a physical add-on, pending interest (will be determined with an interest check).
Will this zine feature shipping?
This zine will not feature shipping.
My question isn't answered here. What should I do?
Send an email to [email protected] or ask us on Tellonym!



Project LaunchSeptember 1st
Interest CheckSeptember 8th - October 10th
Contributor AppsOctober 22nd - December 4th
Application ResultsDecember 17th
Pitches DueDecember 28th
Check-in 1January 25th
Check-in 2February 26th
Check-in 3March 27th
Final SubmissionsApril 28th
PreordersMay 18th - July 16th
Production & ShippingFall 2025

Dates are subject to change~


General Requirements and Expectations
- Be 18+ and have a method of receiving payment, as this is a for-profit zine.
- Have a Discord or be willing to make one (zine communication will take place over Discord).
- Create your own original work for the zine - no AI, reposts/previously-made work, tracing, plagiarism, etc. Contributors found to be engaging in this will be removed.
- For the above point: referencing existing works (such as an iconic photoshoot, advertisment, or designer's style) is allowed.
- Refrain from posting their full work anywhere until after the zine has finished production and all orders have shipped out - to post snippets to socials outside of official zine previews during preorders, contributors must first get mod approval.
- All submitted samples MUST be accessible by the mod team - you can check this by opening your link on an incognito tab!
- No NSFW in your samples - if there is NSFW in your portfolio, please separately label it. NSFW on your socials is fine, so long as your account clearly indicates interaction with NSFW content.
- Lightly suggestive content and artistic nudity is fine.
Page Artist Roles Requirements (Main, 'Ad', Pin-Up, Cover)
- 3 highlighted samples of your work that you feel best represents your style/the style you'd illustrate for the zine.
- HSR art is not required, but highly encouraged.
- Original design work is not required, but highly encouraged.
- A general portfolio is required - if linking a social media page, please make sure the mod team can easily view your body of work (if your X media page is cluttered, for example, we do not recommend linking your X account as your portfolio).
- We will ask what characters and styles you are interested in illustrating - this is only for mods to get an idea of character and style distribution, and your answers will NOT affect your chances of acceptance.
- Even if you are applying for the pin-up art role, please make sure your samples are at most suggestive, as the pin-up/burlesque zine will not feature explicitly NSFW content and at most will be suggestive.
Writer Requirements
- 3 highlighted samples of your work that you feel best represents your style/the style you'd write in for the zine.
- At least 1 fic featuring an HSR character is required; characters appearing in the Penacony storyline/on Penacony preferred.
- Samples should be 1.5k-3k words in length, with at least one being a complete fic with a maximum of 2-2.2k words. This is to get a grasp of your ability to tell a complete, self-contained story around the word count limit of final zine pieces.
- Other samples may be excerpts, just indicate it is one.
- A general portfolio is required - we recommend a portfolio with ~6 fics. Your portfolio may include up to all of your sample fics. Fics in your portfolio may be longer than your samples.
- Clearly label any content warnings (if applicable) on your samples/on your application. No NSFW/smut should appear in your samples, and if there is any in your portfolio, please clearly label it.
- We will ask what characters and types of stories you are interested in writing (story or article or equal interest in either, ideas if you have any, etc.) - this is only for mods to get an idea of fic-type and character distribution, and your answers will NOT affect your chances of acceptance.
Merch Artist Requirements
- 3 highlighted samples of your work that you feel best represents your style/the style you'd illustrate for the zine.
- HSR art is not required, but highly encouraged.
- Original design work is not required, but highly encouraged.
- We recommend using your samples to highlight your design work with merch types you'd most like to create for - for example, if you'd most like to design a print, a charm, or a sticker, we recommend using one sample for a print design, one sample for a charm design, and one sample for a sticker design.
- Experience producing merch is NOT required - the mod team will handle all aspects of production.
- A general portfolio is required - if linking a social media page, please make sure the mod team can easily view your body of work (if your X media page is cluttered, for example, we do not recommend linking your X account as your portfolio).
- We will ask what characters and styles you are interested in illustrating, as well as which merch types you are most interested in - this is only for mods to get an idea of character and style distribution, and how merch assignments will work. Your answers will NOT affect your chances of acceptance.
ExpectationsArtists - Page
- Page artists are expected to create one page or spread illustration (based on mod approval/assignment).
- Artists who indicate interest in designing merch may be asked to design stretch goal merch, which will be done in addition to their main assignment.
Artists - 'Ad'/Spot
- 'Ad'/Spot artists are expected to create 2 illustrations emulating ads found in fashion magazines; these should take up half a page or less and will be formatted with writers' fics to emulate fashion magazine layouts.
- Artists who indicate interest in designing merch may be asked to design stretch goal merch, which will be done in addition to their main assignments.
Artists - Pin-Up/Burlesque
- Pin-Up/Burlesque artists are expected to create one page or spread (based on mod approval/assignment).
- While Pin-Up/Burlesque in nature, this piece will not contain NSFW - no total nudity, no graphic scenarios. At most, pieces may be suggestive. Mods will help make sure pieces fit this guideline if needed!
- A further note: only characters that are clearly adults physically and in characterization will be featured in this zine, given the pin-up/burlesque nature of it.
Artists - Cover (Main or Pin-Up/Burlesque)
- Cover artists are expected to create either 2 separate pieces or a wraparound cover spread for their assigned zine.
- For the Pin-Up/Burlesque zine: this cover piece will not contain NSFW - no total nudity, no graphic scenarios. At most, the cover may be suggestive. Mods will help make sure it fits this guideline if needed!

- Writers are expected to create either a short story-style fic or an article/interview-style fic, which will be assigned by mods upon acceptance based on interest. Word count maximum for story-style fics is 2k, 1.5k for article-style fics, with 200-300 words of leeway if the writer goes over that count.
Merch Artists
- Merch artists are expected to create 2 pieces of merch assigned based on indicated interest in application. Merch artists will be asked to create a 3rd piece of merch as a stretch goal, but may opt out if they want.



Page Artists


'Ad' Artists

Merch Artists

Pin-Up/Burlesque Artists